For Physical, Emotional & Spiritual Well-beingThese sessions offer you comfort, support and nourishment you require, always giving you exactly what you need at a given time. I work with very powerful Angelic Beings and the balancing and deeply healing energies of the Earth, and offer Intuitive Insight and Guidance to support you in the most empowering way.
Powerful yet gentle healing energies I channel - work on energetical, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Offering much needed peace, harmony and balance, stimulating shifts towards a lighter and happier living and activating your inner wisdom and light. Angelic Healing can help:
Weekly Healing Clinic is held on Sundays 12-5pm at London Natural Health Centre, 46 Theobalds Road, Holborn WC1X 8NW. Alternatively, Distant sessions are held over Skype at times arranged.
*I suggest having 90mins session for working on deeper issues. Series of healing sessions are advisable to support the progress and address multiple challenges (we can discuss this together). Even after 1 session you can experience a great improvement of symptoms and overall well-being. Who are Angels? And why are Earth Energies important?
Angels are tremendously loving, compassionate and supportive beings of Light and connecting with them can be a deeply healing, uplifting and inspiring experience, they offer much love and support in the most comforting and soothing ways. Earth (Mother Gaia), our beautiful planet, holds incredible healing powers. Combining her motherly, deeply caring and gentle energies with those of the Angels creates a balancing, harmonising and grounding experience - so essential for our well-being! |
1 hr Session