Sacred Cacao Ceremonies and Journeys
Pics from previous
Pics from previous
"Thank you for holding an incredible event and space which allowed me to journey deep whilst in a playful manner! Expressing my wildness through the ecstatic dance, no holding back, having total fun and play, exploring many facets of dance and release. I am still integrating the experience which has drawn out deep traumas and emotional pain for me which has been totally necessary. I felt totally at ease and at peace in the space and presence of you. I experienced heightened joy and ecstasy, raw ecstatic movement and deep healing. Mother cacao worked through me deeply and took me to spaces within which needed addressing and releasing. I am totally grateful for this deep work and I will most definitely be going to a future ceremony held by you again! Blessings for this beautiful and perfect night. Thank you x"
- Gemma -
"Experiencing your Cacao Ceremony during the retreat was mega powerful. Your sacred way of working and deeply nurturing and healing presence totally upgraded our retreat experience by 100%. Thank you for your deep and sacred work!"
- Lucy -
- Gemma -
"Experiencing your Cacao Ceremony during the retreat was mega powerful. Your sacred way of working and deeply nurturing and healing presence totally upgraded our retreat experience by 100%. Thank you for your deep and sacred work!"
- Lucy -