Take that Leap of Faith. Make that Change you have been contemplating. Make a Jump and know you will be Supported! ❤
I am a perfect example of how incredibly powerful it is to do such 'crazy' things :) 4 years ago I took that leap of faith and left my corporate job and my life as I knew it for a path with no guarantees, new to me but so aligned with my inner values and desires. Completely led by my heart and synchronicities, meaning I had to take a lot of steps that made no sense to the logical mind...
I am about to hold my first one-to-one weekend retreat - taking my healing & coaching work to the next level. Super excited about it! I always loved taking people deep in their healing journey and a personal retreat is a one of a kind, deeply magical experience to facilitate for a human being! I feel deeply honoured to be guided to do this work now.
Next week - I am holding my second deeply transformational Initiation Experience for most wonderful group of women. This work never stops amusing me at how much change and empowerment it brings to my Beautiful Goddesses!
And I am currently co-creating a series of most beautiful Sacred Cacao Ceremonies & Dance Journeys to celebrate life and bring change. Talking about taking these on a World Tour next year!
Feeling super blessed and inspired to do what I LOVE and being infinitely supported THROUGH-OUT as the last 4 years showed! And I have only begun putting all ideas and visions into action...
So my Beautiful Ones!
Just Go For It!
It is scary, it is exciting, it is crazy, it is so magical! It is SO WORTH IT. Take that Step. Challenge Yourself. Spread Your Wings and Trust the Wind will Hold You!
You will grow. You will learn. You will discover so much about yourself and your strength. You will inspire others to step out of the comfortable box of the contemporary way of living.
You Will Build the Life of Your Dreams! ❤
Prepare to be constantly amazed and surprised by endless possibilities, beautiful paths your life can take you on and all the unthinkable magic you will experience!
Those who choose to live from their Hearts, those who are brave to break out of the old ways, those who follow their Dreams - ARE ALWAYS SUPPORTED. You have Nothing to worry about. Well, maybe just about discovering so much more than you ever expected and feeling quite shocked here and there ;)
You Deserve to Blossom into the Most Beautiful and Empowered You!
There is so much Fun to be had and so much Joy to be shared!
No more waiting and wondering!
The Time to Go For It Has Come!
It is Now or Never! ;)
The Current Full Moon and the energies of this entire Year are VERY supportive of bringing changes into your life. The time has never been so potent and vibrant with opportunity!
Take that Step and Be Amazed :)
With much Love, Blessings and Belief in Your Amazingness,
Lidija Ablamska xxx