I laughed when I was shown something AMAZING just a few days ago...
And one evening, I set down with an English book I brought along with me from London. I started reading it going from page to page and suddenly I had a flashback!
A distant memory that quickly assembled into a clear line of events from my childhood until this very day! I was amazed! These memories were telling me ONE THING clear and loud: RELAX! NOTHING IS UNDER CONTROL.
This magical flashback was a memory of me meeting a girl when I was probably about 12. It was summer time and she was an older cousin of my friend. We were sunbathing at the beach and she was reading a book. In English. I found it to be incredibly impressive! Because even though we learnt English at school in Latvia, it was definitely not enough to fluently read and understand a REAL English book. This girl came from a wealthy family and travelled to English schools abroad every summer. That’s how she was able to learn fluent English and read English prose with ease.
I looked into her book, fascinated by the many sophisticated words in there I didn’t know, and looked up into the sun light skies dreaming that one day I too would be able to read English books, with the same ease and enjoyment. And maybe (!) - even travel abroad! Well, that was definitely too far to ask for, I thought. I came from a simple family and my parents couldn’t afford sending me to a private school. Thinking about studying abroad was an absurd fantasy.
And here I was - in Latvia with an English book in my hands, reading it with ease, as if it was written in my native language! There was a gap of 18 years between that memory and this moment and the Impossible, as I thought back then, TOTALLY happened!
I remembered all other occasions that led me to the LIFE-CHANGING events in my life’s journey and NONE of them, absolutely NONE (!) were CAREFULLY planned or a result of a PURPOSEFUL action plan! Isn’t this MIND-BLOWING? This is not to say, of course, that we should stop all action and just float along in life. However, this discovery shows how FUNDAMENTAL changes in life happen through SYNCHRONICITY, SERENDIPITY, MAGIC, some may say DESTINY, but I prefer calling it DIVINE FLOW or divine timing.
The opportunity to study in England came very unexpectedly to me when I was in college. It was an advertisement my mum spotted in a local newspaper - an offer to participate in a competition. Students with good grades and appropriate level of basic English were invited to take an exam and if successful were sponsored to study in the UK. You can guess now that I was one of the successful students! How amazing!
Thanks to this wonderful opportunity I was able to evolve my life and travel to many beautiful destinations - just as I dreamt of then, on the beach when I was about 12.
It's amazing to see how much power lies in such a simple and innocent thing as Serendipity!
I looked back at other significant life events orchestrated by Serendipity for me and loved realising how magical and unexpected each of them was.
Look out for Serendipity in your Life :) You never know where it may take you!
Love and Light,
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Much Love and Blessings to You xx