Letting go of this productivity craze, I now allowed myself to slow down and savour simple pleasures of slow living. Hence there was no timely update from me on day 3 in Shasta
It's been so much more rewarding to come back to the state of just Being. Allowing Shasta to introduce me to her special places, events and people in her own time and in my own time.
Slowing down - sitting by the ice cool Headwaters in the City Park, simply gazing at reflections of light in the waters, dipping my toes into the icy stream and listening to quiet conversations around me broken by the sound of the falling water.
It is in these slow and quiet moments that I notice the full beauty of life around me. With a newly awakened curiosity and desire to engage with life. It is in these moments of peace that I remember how blessed I am to be here in this sanctuary by the majestic volcano mountain far away from dramas and illusions of London.
I noticed how I begun to sing to myself on the way home from the Headwaters. How light I felt simply by allowing myself to slow down. Without the guilt of 'wasting' time. Knowing that this is a valuable investment into my well-being.
I know it is Sunday now in London. Why not gift yourself with some slow quiet You time? Even if it is just for the morning or afternoon. Give yourself an opportunity to rest, rejuvenate and connect within and rip the rewards later.
As I write the above line, somewhere in the distance a flute started playing. Gentle, calming sounds blending with the singing of the birds in the trees near me. How beautiful! A true sign we all should take some well-deserved time out :)
There's been more magic that happened since the last time I posted an update, but I will tell you more about it next time.
I'm going to take some time off the electronics to truly 'detox' and purify my energy with the help of local sacred places and natural frequency of the Earth which is in full power here.
P.S. I'm quite enjoying the fact that I'm writing to you from the Past. Being 8hrs behind gives a strange sense of having much more time on my hands. Woohoo!
Have a beautiful Sunday and happy New Moon on Monday!
I will be in touch soon!
Love and Shasta Light,
Special Distant Healing and Guidance sessions available with me while I'm visiting Mt Shasta :)
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