At that time she was considering changing her jobs and was looking into her options – checking out salaries, possible growth opportunities etc, giving reasons for how one job is better over the other.
I asked her: “What would make you truly happy?”...
I was absolutely terrified to hear such answer. Obviously realising that she is one of many hundreds and thousands of people out there who base their choice of job and career on practical things like income, benefits etc and putting their true passions and loves very last on their lists of priorities and often - not even being aware of them or not looking that direction at all!
Why bother about your Passions?
The greatest thing that can ever make you happy – is living your true passion! And alright - having that special one to share living your passion with :) But! First and foremost – living, doing and creating what you really and truly enjoy, love and are passionate about!
What can be greater than a sense of fulfilment from spending your beautiful life, your precious time here on the planet on the things you love? Not only the things you like or find ok doing, but the things you can’t get enough of, can’t wait to get back from your holiday and dig back into, brag about to your friends and family while they roll their eyes up ;)
You may have an impressive income, all the security you want but if it is not your passion you will still feel unhappy, you will feel like something important is missing, there will never be a sense of true fulfilment.
So how does it work?
Each and everyone of us has a passion, a calling, a desire, a very special unique talent, ability, love and dear sweet thing we often dream of doing. Even if you are not completely aware of what that special calling is – it is IN you whether you believe it or not! It is like a seed waiting to be nourished so it can blossom and flourish into a beautiful passion of your life! Your true calling. Your purpose. The Seed that can bring you to your true happiness!
How do I know and why is it worth trying?
I know, because I’ve had the courage to take that crazy illogical step of giving up my secure and stable job, where I was comfortable, well-settled and had some great fun times too, but which I knew wasn’t my deep passion. In truth, I wasn’t even sure what my deep passion was at that time.
What I did was an experiment. I wanted to see where it would take me. I wanted to see what would happen if I did a crazy thing of following my calling, following my heart and my intuition, exploring my passions without having any guarantees or a back-up plan.
I can tell you now, 1 year later – this was the best decision of my life! I have embarked on the best adventure I could ever take! My calling brought me to places, people and situations that helped me tap into my passions, get clear about what I would absolutely love to do (with opportunities for discovering new and even deeper passions). It has propelled me towards a stronger, wiser, more confident and certainly happier and healthier version of me. I have discovered the talents and abilities I never knew I had. And most importantly, I have found myself in the best possible working place that reflects ALL of my values and beliefs and that is the best platform for me to fulfill my dreams and my passions. And this is only 1 year later. This being only the beginning! How is that for a successful experiment?
I also found it absolutely amusing, and this is how I know for sure there is a Seed in each and every one of us – the fact that in my early notes, that were scribbled down in an attempt to get some clarity on what calls me (long before I discovered my passions and abilities and began making plans). In those notes - was a listing describing exact things I’m doing now and planning to do in the next few years! Isn’t this magical? Somehow, 2 years before the actual events – I listed thoughts that made no sense to me back then, but today, they describe perfectly what I do, make perfect sense in regards to my future plans and actually confirm that I’m indeed on the right track with wherever I’m heading towards!
While working in the city, I wrote down – Alternative School /Centre and Alternative Teachings and now I’m a manager and facilitating classes and workshops at London College of Spirituality. I also wrote Travelling and Teaching and Knowledge Exchange and this is something I’m planning to do this year!
When I wrote these phrases 2 years ago, I was only beginning to become curious about spirituality, let alone thinking – I would ever become a facilitator of some kind and travel around sharing my knowledge. Isn't this amazing?
There is a Seed in you, simply waiting to be noticed and nourished. Give yourself a chance to experience the true happiness you deserve! The one that comes from deep within you! The one that is beyond what you think is good for you and what society tells you will make you happy. The knowing of a True Road to Your Happiness has been with you since your birth. All you need to do is to simply give it a chance, explore your passion, follow your calling and see where it takes you :) Well, and a bit of bravery and trust as well :)
It is not always an easy and straightforward journey when you follow your true passions but hey this is why it is called an Adventure! Full of unexpected turns and twists, mistakes and lessons but all so worth the try! All the knowledge you gain, life-long friends you make, places and things you explore and discover. Leaving you feeling like you’ve LIVED and you've DARED to be the TRUE YOU no matter what!
And yes, I have met many other people like myself who were crazy enough to follow the calling of their heart and who are now the happiest people enjoying the ride and who would never go back and change the decision they took back then. So no, I’m not an exception to the rule, the lucky one or whatever excuse you are telling yourself right now :)
It is always your choice how you live your life. Whether you choose the convenient, standard and comfortable option or you dare to experience the excitement of discovery, the joy of living your passion and the bliss of witnessing all the magic and beauty of life that unfolds in front of you when you go for it like you mean it :)
I’m wishing you a beautiful New Year filled with new discoveries and joys and hope that the story I shared with you will inspire you to give your passion a chance and begin a ride of your life! :) If there was ever a moment to follow your passion and do something that matters to you, that moment is Now!
May the Seed of your True Passion flourish this year!
With Love,