It is falling into the old patterns of greed, competition and commercialism that sadden me.
What I see
What I see very often is the over-emphasis on many blockages/issues/beliefs there are to rid off in an individual. I also see the over-emphasis on Achieving Something, Becoming Something as soon as possible. Often an elusive state of Perfection, Enlightenment, Complete Balance, Self-fulfillment. Constantly ushering individuals to be something and get somewhere they are not yet. Pressing on the very same I’m Not Good Enough buttons, many industries are already misusing to ensure more sales, more customers (e.g. fashion, beauty, surgical industries).
I see big spiritual festivals happening that are also focused on the buy-sell concept, rather than a true expansion of consciousness and strengthening of community.
I see many spiritual facilitators and practitioners getting caught in the web of competition and aggressive marketing, using manipulative tools to attract more clients, grow their audiences and create a catchy ‘image’.
I see phrases like ‘quick fix’ or ‘boost’ being used for potentially very powerful work in an attempt to simplify it and, by doing so - diminishing the true meaning and deeper essence of such work.
I have met many people who have been disillusioned by the spiritual field because of it’s over-market’y , over-promis’y and often aggressive/sales’y appeal. That is becoming no different to any other industry in our world. “I have what you need. Buy me and you will feel better.”
A friend of mine who had little to do with the spiritual field once told me: “Your industry is doing very well . You can make a lot of money!”
Remember, we have been given the power to open the doors for many people. Introducing them back to their roots - their divinity, connection to source, their greatness and limitless nature. Introducing them back to their forgotten innate gifts and talents, their inner wisdom, their light and power. Re-introducing people back to their spiritual heritage, expanding their understanding of themselves and the world beyond the basic survival-based way of life we have all been taught for many centuries. We have been given the ability to open up hearts and become bringers of the new conscious way of being, seeing and living!
By stepping onto this path, you have chosen to be the guide to the next wave of humanity – the one that is Empowered, Awake, Aware. You have chosen to be the Leader of new time! To inspire, to show the way, to support those awakening to the new wave of Aware and Empowered People!
We can either tell a person how many issues they are yet to fix in this, past and future lives OR we can empower them and give them a greater vision and understanding of their path through the challenges they are experiencing.
We can tell a person they need to be more of this or more of that OR we can teach them self-acceptance and self-love and offer an understanding of the divine timing and greater design.
We can give all the answers and feel good about ourselves OR we can allow the person to experience the empowering realisation, the learning of finding your own answers by giving just enough tools to stimulate the process.
We can compete with each other for a bigger share of audience OR we can come stronger together and recognise that we all are doing the same work – expanding consciousness and sharing lost wisdom to make this world a better place.
Remember, we have been given the knowledge and ability of a very pure and sacred source – let’s keep it pure and sacred.
Have we really come all this way to fall back into the old patterns of manipulation, greed and competition we are all so tired of? We are to rise above our hunger for more. We are to carry our light with pride and honour.
Why the Temptation?
It is very understandable why we are tempted to follow the old ways.
We have been brought up learning to compete with each other starting from the school bench. Learning that the loudest gets more attention and the strongest gets more praise. We have been brought up to believe that competition is what puts you ahead of others and guarantees success, or at least survival. Material value has been praised over moral and spiritual values for many centuries. These beliefs are ingrained deep in our veins and often we can’t see any other way.
Our need for being recognized has too been fostered in us since childhood. We learnt that it felt good when our achievements were recognized by our parents, friends, schoolmates and later peers and managers. And we learnt to want more of this praise and recognition from the outside world to validate our efforts, self-value and worth. Allowing others to shape our understanding of how good we are instead of taking this responsibility into our hands and learning to appreciate ourselves fully and unconditionally.
I too was drawn into competition and marketing ‘games’ at the beginning of my spiritual practice work. Having background in marketing and seeing everyone else do it seemed like a natural step to me. However, very soon it begun to feel draining and, most importantly, inauthentic, so I had to stop and rethink, and see what was happening for me. It felt like falling into the old ways of being. The very ways I thought I left behind when leaving my corporate job 2 years ago.
We are only beginning to open up to concepts of unity, true co-operation and unconditional love in the work environment. But it is the awareness of what we are doing and why that matters most. Awareness gives us an opportunity to choose new ways, more in line with our truth, less prone to being a mere repetition of what once ruled our world.
When we learn to appreciate the uniqueness and value of everyone’s gifts and abilities (including our own), when we understand that every individual, will always attract a certain audience, who resonates with his/her energy, message and style, when we learn to truly believe in the unlimited abundance available to us all – then the need for competition will fall away. The often needy and forceful energy of competition will then be replaced by ease, flow and joy, completely transforming our work environment.
When we learn to cultivate appreciation for our own work and recognize our beautiful skills and everyday achievements, we become less reliant on what others think, because we learn to recognize ourselves.
In spreading the word about your work or working with your clients, be mindful of your true intentions and motivations. Are your actions coming from the place of passion and desire to support - or are they coming from feelings of lack or need for approval? Check in with yourself - am I creating from a loving space or am I looking to prove something to myself or the world?
We can choose to either pursue the old ways based on survival, struggle and greed or invest our light and energy into supporting the new authentic, harmonious and balanced ways of the New Earth we all desire to live in.
Let’s remember our true power! Let’s follow our true Why!
With Love and Trust in our Limitless Greatness,