It's been a while since I posted. I have been on quite a journey from late August - first facilitating deeply transformational retreat in Mt Shasta, California for a beautiful group of 37 people and then travelling on down the West Coast. Currently in Santa Barbara, recharging and planning my next steps.
Below is my latest article inspired by the past 2 weeks on the road through California. With Love for you all!!
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Today was a day of great SURRENDER! In capital letters and with an exclamation mark!...
We had a business meeting in San Francisco to go to, which happened to separate us from our original road trip group.
Our intention was to settle somewhere for a week or so to chill and recharge after the retreat and most importantly, so we thought - to complete the essential work bits, to then reunite with the road trip crew and have fun times together.
But little did we know the universe had different plans for us...
Instead - we have been kept on the move for the past 2 weeks and have not been able to stop in one place for longer than 2-3 nights. By unexplainable and often mystical and confusing turn of events.
There have always been something that would make us keep going to a next spot - either rains and cold weather hit the town and the next door place had perfect weather for us to move to. Or we got 'smoked out' of a town by nearby wild fires. Or the place simply run out of water due to the very bad draught in California and we had to hit the road again. We literally saw water evaporate from the creek next to us, making it impossible to stay even if we were willing to bathe in this creek, with the showers and water supply closing down.
Everything has been telling us: "Keep Going!"
Often feeling tired and frustrated with the fact that we just can't stop, we continued our journey to a destination yet unknown to us.
As much as the past 2 weeks have been unsettling and ever-changing, we have always been getting signs that we are on the right track. We tend to get our special number sequences 'follow' us (aka Angel Numbers). My 11s, Vaz's 33s and Aang's 77s, as well as our unified road trip number 414, have been popping up all along - on car number plates, groceries receipts, room numbers, addresses, food cheques, campsite slots, order numbers and the list goes on. Always putting a big smile on our faces when we saw one - reassuring us that all is well and unfolding as it should.
Through the movement of the past 2 weeks, we have seen and experienced some insanely beautiful places, incredible wildlife, stunning views and some truly extraordinary areas of California. Often finding these places simply by taking a wrong turn or missing our road. How magically orchestrated!
Just now, as I was writing this post (while in the car driving to our next stopover), we took a wrong turn and were taken 3000 ft up a massive hill with some absolutely stunning views over the ocean and Santa Barbara. 'Coincidentally', we couldn't turn around until we reached the very top of the hill as the road was too narrow and curvy to do so.
At the top, aside from the breathtaking views, we were very surprised to find an ancient cave with wall paintings by the native Chumashi tribe left thousands of years ago. Wow! The natives have called us! This cave was a place the tribe people used to come to heal and gain spiritual power. How amazing! We wouldn't have come across this special place, unless we took the 'wrong' turn.
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Now, when we happen to take a wrong turn, we dont turn around but go and check out where it's leading us to. You bet, it has always been very rewarding!
The most stunning beaches, wild dolphins, sea lions, crazy views and mad Californian sunsets, and simply finding stores with just what we were looking for - are some of the many 'treasures' we found on the way.
Interestingly, most places we stopped at had no wifi and very little phone reception. We have been literally cut off from the outside world with no or little opportunity to connect or work. It makes me laugh, remembering how we had to stop at a random supermarket parking slot simply to get reasonable reception and make a call to our parents to let them know all is good. And that's in California and not in some remote land.
In the past 2 weeks we have been taken to, what feels like, hundreds of places; we have slept in the car, stayed in motels, hostels, campsites and even have been treated to a state of the art apartment.
We have encountered all elements of nature:
Fire - crazy heat of 39C, wild fires, severe draught;
Water - incredibly magnificent ocean, many stunning beaches, fragile creeks and majestic lakes;
Earth - we camped and slept in Mother Nature's sanctuaries, being as close to nature as you can possibly get;
Air - we have been witnessing powerful winds swiping through our campsite from the sea like lake, only calming down and bringing peace at night time.
What a journey this has been!!
All 3 of us have left behind everything we had in London, chose new paths and embarked on a journey of exploration - so that we can embrace the New. New ways of being, thinking and creating. And I guess for this to happen, we are now being asked to disconnect completely from what we know, from what we had planned, from what we do and what we think we should be doing.
Who said Change was meant to be a pleasant, smooth experience? Change as we've now got to know it is a hearty mix of the most incredible feelings of joy and awe from re-experiencing pure freedom and reconnecting with the magic of our magnificent world, blended in with the feelings of anxiety and fear about where you are going to sleep tonight and what is the next step to take.
Today was a day of great SURRENDER.
We have surrendered to being On The Road Again. To feeling Out Of Control. To Being Led Somewhere we will only understand much later in our journeys. To Feeling All Range Of Emotions in one day from intense Joy to paralysing Fear.
We have surrendered To Being In The Moment as much as we can. To Trusting that every single place and experience is bringing us closer to the personal fulfilment our Souls have been calling for.
We Trust. We Love. We keep our Hearts Open.
And so our journey goes on.
On the Road Again!
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Big love to you all Fellow Life Travellers!
I will share more of my experiences with you next opportunity I have. The universe has been generous with many beautiful encounters, magical experiences and profound realisations!
Big love and Californian hugs to you all!
Feel free to leave a comment and share your thoughts :) Or read comments of other readers on my FB pages: Lidija Ablamska | Lidija Ablamska - Sharing and Inspiring