Yesterday, I randomly picked a movie on youtube to watch to help me fall asleep. A very typical Hollywood romantic comedy. I was surprised to realise how the message of the movie was insanely in line with what has been happening for me lately. A great reminder of some things in our life that matter more than work and achievements! Like our family, friends and loved ones...
When we are happy with who we are, where we are at and the pace we are going and when we remember to engage with life and important people in our lives in joyful and fulfilling ways - this is how we begin to transform the old limiting paradigm of Performance based society to a new way of living that recognises Uniqueness of everyone's journey and cherishes Individual Expression and Simple Pleasures of human life.
Next time you pick a random movie to watch - pay attention to it's message!
Value yourself simply for who you already are - a unique, beautiful and bountiful being who is learning, growing and expanding and is a part of bringing new harmonious ways of living to the planet Earth simply by allowing yourself to be who you truly are :)
And here is an article you may find interesting about the real reasons why we choose to work so much:
May you be happy and fulfilled and spend plenty of joyful family and friends time!
Love and Light,