How about being able to say – “I’m living a wonderful life!” What would that take?..
Wonderful. Wonder-ful. Full of Wonders! What are Wonders? Wonders are about magic, synchronicities and surprises. Wonders are about all unexpected, unpredictable and unusual. Wonders are for those curious and courageous! The Brave-hearts! :)
Do you feel how ‘stability’, ‘constancy’ and ‘comfort zone’ do not fit this line? If you stick to same old ways, familiar routes, those well-known to you places and people - you are less likely to encounter wonders and be kept wow’ed in your life.
Be brave! Put on an Adventurer Hat and try something new! Take a different route to work, sign up for a random class (maybe floristry, tap dancing, filmmaking?), take a journey on your own to a nearby town and see how it unfolds or join a funky meetup ;) Expand your horizons!
Invite wonders into your life by opening yourself to Unexpected and Unusual! Create space for New and Fresh! Make friends with Change and make it up again with Courage!
And most importantly - learn to see magic and wonder in simple things in your life! The cute morning look of a loved one, a random laughter shared with a stranger, an adorable hug from a child, a gorgeous flaming sunset from your window, and many more!
Why wait till next holiday when you can make wonder and excitement a normal part of your life?
You will now find it so easy to say – Ah, I had a wonderful day! And I’ll have an even better one tomorrow! :)
Oh, and please don’t feel sad if you lived a day and it felt seemingly wonder-less. How boring would life become if you drew a lucky ticket in a lottery every day? ;)
Have a Wonder-Full time this festive season, Beautiful Ones! Welcome Magic into your Hearts! :)