Our mystical experiences not only open our minds and hearts to possibility of other dimensions, realities and communications with spirit - but also hold MUCH Symbolic Meaning and Guidance in them!
Hello my Beautiful Soul Family! I want to share a Vision I had during a soul journey I did earlier this year. I feel it has many dimensions to it and is very representative of our individual spiritual journeys - the callings we experience and challenges we face, and how no matter what - we are always guided and held, always on our path progressing forward.
Our mystical experiences not only open our minds and hearts to possibility of other dimensions, realities and communications with spirit - but also hold MUCH Symbolic Meaning and Guidance in them!
My Beautiful Goddesses! We are about to enter a new year, new era, new energy ❤️ I wish you the most amazing, nurturing and uplifting New Year 2017 when you get to experience and fully embrace your magnificent Goddess nature - the magical Woman of Light, the Empress of the Heart, the Keeper of Ancient Wisdom. Remember you were born a Queen! And it is time to welcome Her and show her to the world.
Super Full Moon Blessings for this weekend to you my Beautiful People!
Take that Leap of Faith. Make that Change you have been contemplating. Make a Jump and know you will be Supported! ❤ I am a perfect example of how incredibly powerful it is to do such 'crazy' things :) 4 years ago I took that leap of faith and left my corporate job and my life as I knew it for a path with no guarantees, new to me but so aligned with my inner values and desires. Completely led by my heart and synchronicities, meaning I had to take a lot of steps that made no sense to the logical mind... I was asking for guidance this morning on how to move forward with my ideas, desires and projects that have been forming in my head, heart and my space recently. And the first thing I saw as I came out of the house today was a young boy wearing a super bright t-shirt with massive letters saying: JUST DO IT! Lol 😁
Indeed sometimes we spend too much time and energy on trying to work out the best way forward whereas the best thing to do is to Just Start, Give it a Go, Go with the Option most apparent and available to you right now. And Get the Energy Moving! This Awesome Post below popped up today on my screen reminding me of the Instant Manifestation Message I shared last year! 🌈⭐️ Check it out! Breathe it in. Know Miracles Are Possible!❤️
I was listening to the spiritual teachings of Bashar (an amazing channel I highly recommend) on youtube and wished I could have his complete teachings on a CD... AND the next day - a friend of mine told me he purchased 2 series of Bashar's teachings and because they are so awesome I should have them too!! Magic or what?! ;) Lol 😁 Only you and Only You hold the answers you seek! Listen to your intuition, your gut feelings, your visions and the soft voice of your Heart. Turn to the Expert advice first!😎⭐️ May all other voices be your opportunity to get a different perspective. An exploration.
Trust You First 😊 And know You Know what's best for you when you are really honest with yourself. Talk to your Gorgeous Self today! Hear You out 😋 Give You some loving attention ❤️ Much Love, Lidija xxx Your Reality Can Shift in an Instant. Open your Heart and Mind to This Possibility! I wrote the below piece in my diary in June 2015, a few days after I had the long-awaited laser operation on my eyes. This was a truly magical and life-changing moment for me – a long-time dream coming true as a result of miraculous events and synchronicities that had unfolded last year…
Stories like this show us that Magic is Alive! That Impossible is indeed Possible and that our Reality can Change for the better in an instant. Yes, an Instant! Much sooner than we could ever expect it to. Beyond the ability of our Mind to grasp and work out all the How’s. Beyond our logical conclusions and calculations... The Magic is with us and within us in every step and in every breath we take, whether we are aware of it or not. Life’s adversities mysteriously turn into most unexpected hidden gifts and bring much beautiful change into our lives. I wanted to share with you a story - absolutely miraculous and life-changing turn of events that happened to me last year. When an unexpected and somewhat unpleasant situation turned into something SO fabulous and changed my Reality and Quality of Life completely. May it be the Inspiration and reassuring Light of Hope for your journey! * * *
In February 2015 I returned back to London after 6 months of travelling to the sacred lands of North America and Hawaii... The beginning of year 2016 is marked by a very powerful, intense and striking Wave of Energy (especially strongly felt between 18.01 and 15.02). Pulsing through all life on the Earth. Streaming down and into the core of our Beings and our Planet. Electrifying, intensifying and activating further and deeper.
We have been getting powerful energy waves come down and anchor into the Earth since around 2011 during the significant portal opening dates, planetary alignments, summer and winter solstices. And this particular wave of the beginning of year 2016 feels to be one of the strongest energy shifts as yet. Please note, that all following energy waves of 2016 will be as intense and deeply transformative. It's that time of the year again - perfect for making your own Gratitude Jar! :)
On the pictures above is the first ever Gratitude Jar I decided to make last winter in 2015 and OH MY, did it bring tonnes of magic into my life!! Seriously! I can honestly say there have been SO MANY things to be grateful for the past year - enough to fill about 10 of these! Yes, I do generally connect easier with anything magical thanks to the work I do and the lifestyle I lead, however, I do believe this jar has been a massive 'trigger' or 'activator' for even more magic to come in! How it Works? Re-posting this mini blog from last February as I find it very timely for this time of the year when the weather and shorter days make us spend more time indoors. I am also fascinated that last February I chose this particular picture for the post with a cat. Guess what? 7 months on, I met a stray cat just like the one on the picture!! She is now my beloved pet and loves spending time by the rainy window... Nothing is ever simply by chance :) xxx
"In my last days of travels, I decided to take 4 days of quiet down time. A break from my rather active way of spending time here, as I was being busy preparing for my return to London. As I made this decision - 4 days of stormy weather arrived to Shasta, fully supporting my Me time. No chance to come out and engage with the town life... What an amazing divine timing! Wonderful News - We Are Featured in the UK Magazine! And Why You Should Visit Glastonbury ♥8/1/2016 I have awesome News! My work with the London College of Spirituality - the retreat to sacred sites including Glastonbury in July 2015 with a beautiful group - has been featured in the latest issue of the popular Spirit & Destiny Magazine in the UK!!
It is so wonderful to be able to spread the word about this magical, sacred place and it's significance in the awakening of people Hearts and the Divine Feminine! The article on 3 pages covers the experience of one of our wonderful participants Alina and tells a story of her transformation post Glastonbury visit with our group :) Our favourite childhood books can say a lot about ourselves!
I was sorting through some old books at my parent's place and found my favourites from aaaaages ago! Guess what they are? Translated: "In Search for Adventures", "Tales from Around the World from Different Cultures", "100 Dates with Nature" and my bestie - "Born to be Free"!! So me! lol Even when we are kids we KNOW what's coming for us in life! Think of What were YOUR favourite books in childhood! How can you relate their titles, themes and topics with your current life? Are you living life in line with your passions and interests or have you drifted away from what makes you happy? Your favourite things to do and read about from when you where a child can be an awesome hint about your inner desires and can show you the way forward :) Enjoy getting to know yourself better! ♥ Love, Lidija xxx Freebies! Everyone loves them :) They are like an unexpected gift and always come as a surprise and lift our spirits even if it is just a tiny little thing. And whatever shape, form or occasion they come in – we can’t help but feel extra blessed, even if just for a moment.
Over my last few weeks in London in August this year, I happened to have a very sweet experience. Within one week I was given a free mango, then a cucumber (lol yes! a cucumber) and then a beautiful rose. All on some very random occasions. An all had most wonderful and uplifting meaning to me! Meet Pinky! My new little friend. She is a stray cat from the street. She is missing half of her left ear, has gorgeous green eyes, soft fur and a sweet, sad way of saying meow. Even though she is of blue-grey colour I call her Pinky. Because she is such a charmer and pink is my favourite colour...
Happy World Peace Day!
Even though every day is a Peace day but international days like these are a beautiful opportunity to unite our intention for Peace on Earth, do something peaceful and kind and strengthen the frequency of Peace! What can you do to express Peace & Kindness? Why not send a hi note to a lost friend, give a genuine smile to a stranger, offer a random act of kindness or take a quiet moment of peaceful and loving presence in your Heart. The Tiniest Action can go Thousands of Miles and spread the vibration of Peace far and wide! :) I am the Goddess of Light
I am the Goddess of Strength I am the Goddess of Infinite Power I open my Heart to the Beauty of Life I embrace my Path with Joyful Curiosity I step with Courage and Grace I am the Goddess of Light I am that, I am And so it is Now. Be Blessed and Be a Blessing Beautiful Ones! <3 Lidija xxx I have been playing with colours and this curious image came through. I realised it was very representative of what I was observing lately in my space and in the world. A lot of FIERY emotion is going on within and without right now.
We don't normally like feeling, experiencing or being exposed to fiery emotions like anger, frustration, aggression. Yet these emotions are a vital part of our evolution as they are at the core of birthing CHANGE, inner STRENGTH and ability to speak our TRUTH. I learnt one VERY CURIOUS thing about life watching things unfold for me in the past year. And it is: You may be called to leave things behind/make big changes in your life EVEN when all is going very well for you...
Think about it again. We tend to consider changing something in our lives when we get frustrated, deeply unhappy or just have the 'had enough' feeling about a situation or a state of play. And it makes perfect sense to us. But how about changing something already pretty awesome for a potential of something even more expanding for you, even more fulfilling, even more expressive of who you are? That sounds pretty cool to me! Wow! I just got back from my Mystery Hunt :) to the Portuguese town Sintra! I was called there by many signs and messages and jumped right into it... Oh my was it worth it!!
I still can't believe - all the magic, synchronicities and messages I experienced over the 4 days were REAL. Had to pinch myself many times ;) I felt like no less but a character of a Dan Brown's book of a Da Vinci Code series ;)) Just shows how much magic happens when we answer a calling and go visit places that call us! I have definitely come back incredibly inspired, much stronger, deeply centred, very connected and with a 'bag full of answers' :) Having visited Sintra the 2nd time and seen it now through the awakened eyes, I can definitely say it is a truly special power place with much mystical and spiritual 'activity' hidden from the eyes of a tourist. Lol Universe has it's funny ways to cheer us up :) I was just checking in on the easyjet website and as the page loaded I got a message saying: "Oops You Appear To Be Lost" with cute orange lions dancing hahaha
What a better way to say how I've been feeling lately. I know I am not alone in this feeling. Indeed many of us have been suddenly feeling directionless, lost, confused or even purposeless... A funny part of our evolution it is. We have to get lost first to find our way. As much as we don't like uncertainty, it jumps up at us every now and then, offering us a fab opportunity to pause or the opposite - get into trying new things to find the New way. The way more aligned with who we have become and where we are heading :) The most amazing Sunday morning it was today...
Standing on the dew covered grass in the garden of the house on the hill. Closer to the sky than ever before. Warm bright sun and freshness in the air. I was saying my prayers to the Sun, cosmic Depth, the Earth, all the Beauty and Awesomeness that surrounds us every day. The Spirit of Infinite Possibility and Joy and the Animal brothers and sisters :) The dog and the cat came around to join in me. Sat quietly next to me basking in the sun. Total bliss. Heart opening and Light. So much amazigness happens when you allow life to unfold and let go of the Big Detailed Plan... Love and Sunny Sparkles to you All! Xxx Lidija Now is a truly extraordinary time in the human history! During the magnificent events of the end of March: Solar Eclipse, Spring Equinox, Super New Moon and the Planetary Alignment, we have stepped into the New Era of Light in a Big Way! We stepped through the last Gateway out of four (one of them was the gateway of 2012). The new wave of awakening is upon us. Now is the time we are remembering our True Unlimited Divine Nature and are learning to 'play' by the NEW rules!
This article offers an overview of tangible things you can do to help yourself through the shift and learn how to use the very unique energies of 'the other side' where we now have happily landed :) I will be writing more about the shift in more detail soon. This Prayer was channeled through me over the magical time of the magnificent events of the end of March 2015 - Solar Eclipse, Spring Equinox, Super New Moon and the Planetary Alignment, when we have stepped into the New Era of Light in a Big Way!
It's aim is to assist the re-alignment, transition and activation you are ready for in the most graceful way. It speaks to your soul, to your body and to your subconscious and super-conscious. It is a statement to the Universe of your readiness to live in the new way. You may experience a 'download' as you read it - a surge of energy, a feeling of peace or excitement - welcome it :) This Prayer can be read regularly to help you build inner strength and remind you of you Infinite Greatness :) Be Blessed! Lidija xxx I was reminded of an important message I received while still on my travels, in Mt Shasta, California - so relevant for the current Full Moon of March 5th and the whole month of March 2015!
- Slingshot Principle - In my last weeks of travels in Mt Shasta I started noticing many slingshot-like looking fallen branches during my walks and got curious of their meaning... |
AuthorI love life, people and our beautiful planet! Here I explore and share with you my greatest learnings, realisations, observations about the beautiful gifts we all have - our precious human life and our spirituality, to hopefully give you food for thought, inspire and encourage you to explore, learn and grow! Archives
June 2017