Around this time last year I was visiting my friend in a small countryside village near Glastonbury. Every now and then I'd escape the busy London life and stay in his house, slowing down, catching my breath and visiting peaceful sacred sites of Glastonbury. Secretly wishing to have a house like this to stay for much longer periods...
And what do you think? It's a year from that conversation, winter is approaching and I've just been given an opportunity to stay in a beautiful house in Mt Shasta, North California for whole 3 months through the winter!! Isn't this amazing?! Be careful what you wish for! :)
I'm absolutely amazed about this unexpected retreat for my soul! For the past 2 years of intense work and personal transformation and after this years' bountiful adventures of Californian Roadtrip and a fiery month in Hawaii (I'm yet to write about) - all I could dream of was some quality down time. And here I am, not quite believing I was granted my wish :) Feeling a bit nervous about having SO much time to myself. But also knowing how VERY essential this time is going to be for me. Plentiful integration, connection and reflection time are rare luxuries for someone living in London. It is when we Stop and remove all the Noises we can truly feel and see ourselves for WHO we really are (we change sooo much every day!) and hear what our soul is willing to communicate to us.
Thank you Universe for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!
Big Love to you All!! <3
P.S. Mt Shasta is a very special sacred land visited by many spiritual seekers and, wonderfully enough, is connected with Glastonbury This small mountain town get's very quiet and snowy over winter. A perfect place to go within! I wrote several blogs on Shatsa during my first visit here this August.