My Beautiful Goddesses! We are about to enter a new year, new era, new energy ❤️ I wish you the most amazing, nurturing and uplifting New Year 2017 when you get to experience and fully embrace your magnificent Goddess nature - the magical Woman of Light, the Empress of the Heart, the Keeper of Ancient Wisdom. Remember you were born a Queen! And it is time to welcome Her and show her to the world.
Much Love and Magic to you my Beautiful People this Christmas / Yule time!! ❄️💚 I love this time of the year because it is traditionally a family time and another wonderful opportunity to say to our dear friends and loved ones how much they mean to us and how happy we are to have them in our lives! Thank you for being a part of my life!✨
It is the time when we dream new dreams for the new upcoming year and share heart-warming and uplifting wishes with others. So many kind and beautiful words and wishes are shared with friends and strangers at this time of the year - it brings light and smiles to my heart! ✨☀️✨ |
AuthorI love life, people and our beautiful planet! Here I explore and share with you my greatest learnings, realisations, observations about the beautiful gifts we all have - our precious human life and our spirituality, to hopefully give you food for thought, inspire and encourage you to explore, learn and grow! Archives
June 2017