They are very common formations that occur only just above or near the mountain and thought to be spaceships or expressions of the divine energy.
This one was a lonely cute one.
Lidija Ablamska |
This morning at an outdoor Tai Chi & Qi Gong class I witnessed my first Shasta Lenticular Cloud!
They are very common formations that occur only just above or near the mountain and thought to be spaceships or expressions of the divine energy. This one was a lonely cute one.
Waking up to the rich aroma of the pine trees. Filling up my bottle in the crystal clear glacier springs. Being led by the mountain to wondrous places and people. These have been my blessings for the past few days in Shasta, while I took some time off writing.
I see the mountain now as a Mystical Being - a Wise Woman, a Mother, a High Priestess, dressed in a dark green dress. A dress a forest creature would wear. Wild flowers twined into her hair. Nurturing and very direct. She will not wait around to tell you the bold truth you need to know or have forgotten. Just out of being childish I compiled 10 fun things I learnt during my first week in Mt Shasta, California :) Enjoy and have a beautiful start to the week! Xxx Dandelion leaves are yucky in a sandwich but awesome when sautéed with butter as a side dish. You can get dizzy by lying down and watching treetops move above you in the wind. I couldn't resist but write this small note for you all! I was in a local park taking some close up pics of Shasta in the evening light (the Headwaters park doesnt have the view because of the dense and tall forest). And in this park people hang out playing sports and having barbecues.
It being dinner time and me passing by the barbecue grills I was thinking about how yummy their burgers must be. I've been vegetarian for almost a year now, and sometimes a memory of a good old meat burger crosses my mind. After two days in Shasta I realised I was being a typical Londoner - time-efficient, eager to use my day to the full, packing it with things to do and places to see.
Letting go of this productivity craze, I now allowed myself to slow down and savour simple pleasures of slow living. Hence there was no timely update from me on day 3 in Shasta It's been so much more rewarding to come back to the state of just Being. Allowing Shasta to introduce me to her special places, events and people in her own time and in my own time. Yesterday was only my 2nd day in Mt Shasta and so much magic happened already! I was by the sacred Headwaters, the glacier spring waters coming right out of the mountain, a birthing place of Sacramento river. This is a very special healing place where natives, locals and tourists come everyday to pray to the water, sing and play music, and collect pure waters for drinking. A very joyful and tranquil place. You can almost tangibly feel the electrifying energy here. After several weeks of rushing around, packing, arranging, worrying, anticipating and the incredibly tiring 24 hour journey from London to California - I am now in the sanctuary of the majestic Mt Shasta. It is now 9 am in the morning. I'm sitting on the sun deck of an absolutely charming cottage I'm staying at - with Mt Shasta right in front of me. I'm just so amazed about how guided we are by the higher force! Yesterday, I randomly picked a movie on youtube to watch to help me fall asleep. A very typical Hollywood romantic comedy. I was surprised to realise how the message of the movie was insanely in line with what has been happening for me lately. A great reminder of some things in our life that matter more than work and achievements! Like our family, friends and loved ones... |
AuthorI love life, people and our beautiful planet! Here I explore and share with you my greatest learnings, realisations, observations about the beautiful gifts we all have - our precious human life and our spirituality, to hopefully give you food for thought, inspire and encourage you to explore, learn and grow! Archives
June 2017