My friends often joked it was a perfect music instrument for me. They said I must have forgotten to take it along with me when I landed here from the heavens ;) They often called my presence and way of being - Angelic, and my work with the Angelic realms at sessions and workshops I ran only gave them more reasons to think that way.
And there I was, now owning my very own harp! Deep reddish-brown colour wooden frame, decorated by carved flowers, freshly strung. Very feminine and seemingly lightweight. A perfection!
It proudly stood in my room in a centre place and I ran my fingers over it's strings every time I passed it. Joyfully smiling at the smooth melodic sounds it made. Looking forward to beginning to learn playing it. And feeling rather nervous about needing to soon read and understand sheet music. It always looked like a confusing collection of sophisticated mathematic formulas to me... Music class at school was never my favourite one ;)
A lot of change came to my life months after the harp arrived. Learning to play was no longer a priority. Soon, with my upcoming extended travels to America, the harp had to be put away in a storage awaiting my return.
This meant all my things needed a new home.
It was especially difficult to decide what to do with my beautiful harp.
It was a very special gift. It had a special meaning to me. It represented some of my yet unfulfilled dreams. And it held memories of Love.
It felt like I had to say goodbye to a good friend who I haven't quite got to know yet but had to let go off already. So soon, too soon.
I thought it would be unfair on the harp to leave it in a storage again. Its gentle soul was made for playing and entertaining, not for being stack away in darkness collecting dust for years to come.
I also didn't want to leave anything behind in London. I wanted to set myself free fully and completely without leaving any ties, physically or energetically.
My friend suggested: "Maybe you should ask the Harp?".
I knew indeed that everything has a soul. Even the objects.
You can tune in or connect with anything really and find out their story, their wishes or hear out anything they have to share. It is truly amusing!
But I have never spoken to a man-made object before and I was afraid of what I might hear from my harp... I was afraid she would want to stay with me and I couldn't keep the promise. Yes, it was definitely a Her :)
Days were approaching my departure and my harp's fate was still undecided. I wanted for her to have a wonderful new home and purpose. For her to be given to a children music school, for example, or a charity project. But nothing suitable came up and I was very short for time to search.
In a few days I'd be flying out to begin my travels and that was the last opportunity to take her anywhere. The only option was a local charity shop. A very simple place on a rather troubled street. It definitely wasn't my preferred choice.
Nevertheless, it was my only option, so with a big sigh I took the harp with me in her padded black case over my shoulder and left the house still feeling doubtful.
I was on my way to central London to sort out a few last things and the local charity shop was on my way in. I had to walk for quite some time to reach it and this was my chance to 'talk' to my harp.
I smiled: "I must be crazy thinking of speaking to objects!" But quickly remembered that by now very little in our world surprised me. I had so many experiences of communicating with celestial beings, Angels, crystals, trees, stones and nature spirits that trying to speak to a man-made object was just another possibility, a new experience.
And there I was, walking on a busy street, people passing me by, feeling the weight of the harp on my shoulder and smiling awkwardly, about to start a conversation with an object. Feeling like I might be told off by my very own harp any second now for my irresponsible behaviour. I was giving her away and she was so special.
I tuned in, took a deep breath and asked my harp: "What would you like me to do? Where would you like to be?"
She showed me an image of a grand room, beautifully decorated, where a woman held her tenderly and masterfully played melodies that filled the entire room with colour and life.I couldn't see the face of the woman but I knew it wasn't me.
I immediately felt at peace. Knowing that I was doing the right thing by giving someone a beautiful opportunity to play this harp, rather than locking her away for many months to come. I was not sure, however, the very simple local charity shop could provide her with a customer who would offer the exquisite surroundings she showed me in the vision.
But something very interesting happened. When I approached the shop, there was a sign on the door. "Closed" it read. This was very unusual, because it was a typical working day, the shop was scheduled to be open and, as far as I knew, there were rarely disruptions to the working hours at this store.
I smiled looking down on my harp: "You cheeky thing! You have a better plan for yourself, don't you?".
That day I was travelling to South Kensington to pick up a visa for my upcoming travels and so there was nothing else left for me to do but take the harp along with me.
There were two charity shops in the area right on my way to the embassy. How perfect! The first store didn't inspire me but the second looked welcoming and I walked in with determination.
"A Harp?!" the lady at the counter exclaimed in surprise. It was so sweet to see such a genuine astonishment. She was deeply touched by this very exquisite arrival and kept thanking me and talking very quickly in her amusement. I was very happy because I could feel the harp would be appreciated here.
We chatted with the lady about the story of this harp and she nodded understandingly when I mentioned it was a gift by someone special I was no longer with. "Well," she said "I shall create a special black-tie window display especially for her! She will be a gorgeous decoration for the main display." I felt so happy! I knew my harp would absolutely love being in the spot light :)
I said goodbye to the harp and the lady and walked out feeling content about my decision. The harp was definitely in good hands now and I wished for her to find a wonderful new owner....
I don't know how the story of my beauty harp unfolded since that day but something very curious happened.
It was two weeks since I left London and I was just beginning to relax into my new reality.
I get many inspirations and tend to write a lot when I slow down. There were many things I wanted to write about but for some reason my Harp sprang to the memory. This really intrigued me so I put all other ideas aside and started writing about her, simply enjoying the good memories she brought back.
The next day I nearly cried when in an oracle card spread I laid out - there were two cards with an image of a Harp on them! What a magical synchronicity! My harp was definitely in communication with me :)
The cards themselves bore very beautiful messages about surrendering to the flow of life and practicing what you love.
The remains of guilt I felt over 'giving up' my harp were quickly dissolved by her wise message of surrender to life. The message of practicing what brings me joy was very timely too. I had difficulties concentrating and here came my Harp and put me right back into the creative flow. I've been writing non-stop since that day :)
What can we learn from The Story of a Harp who came Alive?
- There is Magic and Life in every-thing. Literally! There is consciousness in absolutely everything around us. Clouds, rain, forests, pebbles on the beach, the sofa you seat on, even your phone!
- This may be hard to believe in, but once you have an experience of a living presence in a tree or anything of nature, it becomes easier to accept that there is life in objects that fill our homes, even though they may appear life-less.
- Appreciate that "The things we have don't belong to us. They pass through us", as a friend told me once. Indeed, what surrounds us - is there with a purpose and for a period of time only. And sometimes, like in the story of my harp, we are simply 'minding' some things before we pass them on to other people who will benefit from them.
I have a sweet memory of a time I was gifted a beautiful set of crystals. They were truly very pretty but I felt they were not for me to keep. So I took the set to my class. Surprisingly, there were as many students at the class as I had crystals on that day and everyone got a special gift. The crystals were given to me to pass them on to people who needed them most :)
- This story expands our understanding of all things - alive or motionless. To appreciate and feel grateful for what we have and find new homes for what we no longer need. There will always be someone who may desire what we no longer want and the object will live on and continue serving others.
Let's appreciate what we have and honour Life in everything!
Try and speak to one of your favourite things if you like! Give it a go! A book, a painting, a plant. Any-thing :) Experimenting is fun! I can promise you that.
Share your experience in the comments and enjoy the miraculous journey that is human life :)
Much Love and Aliveness to you,